Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Puerto Rico Hikes Gas Tax to Fend Off Public Transportation Shutdown

panampost : "Torres Cruz, along with Carlos Vargas and Manuel Natal, expressed disagreement with the proposal that aims to increase the tax on oil from US$9.25 per barrel to $15.50. The measure would generate $178 million for the Puerto Rican Treasury, while increasing the cost of fuel for families on the island."

Monday, November 24, 2014

How privatization destroyed Argentina commuter rail

CityMetric: "But this arrangement met its end in the early nineties under the leadership of free market president Carlos Menem, who decided it was time for the railroad to be run by the invisible hand of the free market: this, in practice, meant not being run at all. After he pulled the plug on the country’s public ownership of the trains, all but a few long distance passenger lines ended completely. Commuter trains in Buenos Aires continued to run – cutting them would have had political consequences – but the mind numbingly complex public/private management system left little incentive for train companies to update their equipment. The consequences of this were slow to make themselves known, but would ultimately be devastating."

Friday, November 14, 2014

Paint on the street does not protect bicyclists

Unachicaenbicicleta: "El día comenzó con una triste noticia para la Ciudad de México, el primer usuario del sistema ecobici murió atropellado por un transportista. Historias así realmente me acongojan.
A veces siento que los automovilistas, choferes de transporte público y motociclistas piensan que los ciclistas tenemos 7 vidas, como dicen que tienen los gatos. Lamento informarles que no, sólo tenemos una, igual de frágil que la suya; una vida que cuando rodamos exponemos de sobremanera por su impericia y prepotencia, y también por nuestra imprudencia."

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Chile unveils plans to invest $4.2 bn in public transportation projects

Fox News Latino: "Chilean President Michelle Bachelet on Wednesday announced plans to invest $4.2 billion in 14 projects to upgrade public transportation, including the construction of a new Santiago Metro line and the expansion of two other lines."

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Monday, September 1, 2014

More buses now in Lima, Peru

Fox News Latino: "Beginning Monday, 125 buses are running on Tacna, Garcilaso de la Vega and Arequipa avenues between Lima's historic center and the Miraflores district, replacing some 4,500 vans known as "combis.""

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Transport operators call for national public transport policy

JamaicaObserver.com: "KINGSTON, Jamaica -- Taxi and bus operators are calling on government to implement a national public passenger transport policy to guide activities in the sector."

Monday, June 16, 2014

Biggest problem in Port-of-Spain? Cars.

Businessmen’s take: Parking problems paralysing PoS | The Trinidad Guardian Newspaper: "In an interview with the T&T Guardian, Aboud said: “We wish to emphatically point out that the lack of parking is a more serious threat to the city of PoS than crime, cleanliness or vagrancy. “It remains one of the most formidable problems facing the capital city and it is not dramatic in any way to say the lack of parking combined with the ruthless towing of vehicles is strangling the city to death.”"

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Brazil: Free public transport-protests against the World Cup

Free public transport: "The protests in Brazil are kicking in again, at the same time as the much-disputed football World Cup takes place. The cup claims billions, and activists want social infrastructure, reforms like free pulic transportation and an end to corruption.

On the 19th of June, Movimento Passe Livre (The Free Pass-movement) will arrange protests in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo  and Natal.

The authorities are trying to criminalize protesters, and global support may shift the focus to the protesters demands. In Stockholm, a solidarity demonstration will also be held on the 19th and marsch to the Brazilian Embassy.

Tarifa Zero jà!"

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Chile to invest $1 bn to improve Santiago public transport

GlobalPost: "Santiago, May 29 (EFE).- Chile's government plans to invest 548 billion pesos ($1 billion) to improve this capital's problem-plagued Transantiago public-transport system, President Michelle Bachelet said Thursday.

The program involves both "immediate and mid-term measures," including improvements to the 10 most problematic routes and increased bus coverage at night, she said."

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


REPORTEROS EN MOVIMIENTO: "Integrantes del Movimiento Metrobus Toluca Ya! denuncian que a un año de haber aumentado la tarifa del transporte público no se ha cumplido ni la mitad de los  10 puntos que Eruviel Ávila Villegas, Gobernador del Estado, presentó para la mejora del mismo.

“… hablan y prometen y hasta hoy no se ha cumplido… ¿dónde están los avances y resultados de las propuestas de mejora?… hasta ahorita el
Gobierno del Estado tienen dos deudas con la ciudadanía, la inseguridad y el transporte público” *cuestionó Gabriel Peralta, miembro fundador de
Metrobus Toluca Ya!"

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Por favor no piensen en los peatones

pedestre: "Los puentes peatonales no son peatonales, sino vehiculares. Su finalidad no es proteger ni favorecer la accesibilidad de las personas a pie, sino permitir el rápido desplazamiento de los vehículos que circulan bajo ellos a un mínimo costo. La principal razón de su popularidad es la facilidad con que pueden ser ofrecidos a -y comprados por- la opinión pública como infraestructura orientada a mejorar las condiciones de circulación de quienes caminan en la ciudad."

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tráfico inducido: más calles, más tráfico

Letras Libres: "Cuando se piensa en resolver el problema del tráfico, las soluciones siempre parecen enfocarse en cómo incrementar el espacio para que los autos circulen; cómo mejorar, para y por los automóviles, las avenidas existentes; cómo y dónde edificar pasos a desnivel, segundos pisos, nuevas calles y vías rápidas. Pero estas “soluciones”, pensadas en función del coche,  no resuelven el problema del tráfico solo lo inducen."

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Mexico oil sector decline drags on economy

UPI.com: "Mexico is one of the top 10 oil-producing countries in the world, with an estimated 10 billion barrels of proven reserves as of 2013.

EIA said Mexico produced an average 2.5 million barrels of crude oil per day, a level that's more than 20 percent less than its peak from 2004-09.

"Notably, crude oil production in 2013 was at its lowest since 1995 and continues to decline thus far in 2014," it said in its Thursday report."

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lima, Peru to buy 5,000 buses

Infosurhoy : "The new transportation system is part of the “sustainable mobility” concept that prioritizes the needs of pedestrians and public transport users.

The reform attempts to cut travel times to no longer than 60 minutes in the city’s metropolitan area. Also, buses will run according to regular schedules, which will lead to improved traffic safety and passenger comfort, Quispe Candia said.

In the next two years about 5,000 buses will be purchased, totaling up to US$1 billion in private investment, according to Lima Mayor Susana Villarán.

About five million locals will benefit from the reform, she said."

Friday, April 11, 2014

Millions to be spent to benefit car-using minority

Metrobus Toluca YA: "Este año en #Toluca se invertirán mil 780 millones de pesos en 3 pasos a desnivel. Estos pasos a desnivel benefician a menos de 3 de cada 10 habitantes que tienen acceso a un auto. 10 km de Metrobús como la línea 5 del DF con ciclovías, plazoletas y áreas verdes tiene un costo de 800 millones, y se benefician a peatones, pasajeros, ciclistas e incluso automovilistas por reducirse carga vehicular."

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bogotá car-free day becomes car-free week

CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 M. Ewert
TreeHugger: "Way back in 2000, before car-free days were on most people's radars, Bogotá, Colombia Mayor Enrique Peñalosa organized Bogotá's first car-free day. He also put up a proposal for it to be a permanent occasion. The proposal was approved, marking the approval of "the world's first Car Free Referendum," according to Wikipedia. 14 years later, it seems like it's time for an upgrade.

Mejor en Bici (translation: Better on Bike) is a local bike organization that has long been a key advocate of car-free day. Recently, it pushed for car-free day to be extended into an entire car-free week for the Colombian city. The city agreed. Now, the first-ever Bogotá car-free week (February 6–13) has just wrapped up. These were the specific routes that were completely closed to cars:"

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Right wing vandalizes #publictransit in Venezuela

The Guardian: ""Protests are historically a way of expression for the poor to demand an improvement to their living conditions. Today a determined social class has taken over the protests as an excuse to hoard and speculate. They damage public transport because they don't use it, they only ride their BMWs.""

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Toluca needs buses not more highways -- YA Toluca Metrobus

YA Toluca Metrobus: "Overpasses do not solve any problems of mobility, encourage car use, produce pollution and benefit only a minority of the population. The solution is in the public space, bikeways and public transportation. NO MORE INVESTMENT IN AUTOMOBILE INFRASTRUCTURE!!"
Alfa diario : Desquiciarán obras al Valle de Toluca por dos años: "A partir de esta semana comenzarán la construcción de cuatro distribuidores viales en el Valle de Toluca, todos al mismo tiempo, por lo cual la circulación en los municipios de Metepec, San Mateo Atenco y la capital mexiquense se complicará."

Friday, March 28, 2014

Venezuela Launches Mission to “Strengthen Mass Transit”

Public transport in Merida. (Ryan Mallett-Outtrim/Venezuelanalysis)
venezuelanalysis.com: "Maduro also approved financial resources to maintain a student ticket system until 2015. The system provides free public transport to students across the country.

...244 new buses were supplied to five new transport systems in Vargas, Falcon and Zulia states to mark the launch of the mission.

In total, 17 new transport systems have been created in Venezuela in the last 11 months, according to Maduro."

Saturday, March 15, 2014

To understand the problem of public transport in Jalisco

Ten Project: "March 14, 2014. We present this documentary on the state of public transport system in Jalisco, realidado per Pound Cano, Quirarte and Hector Ricardo Robledo Edaurdo

Here many of the problems today with regard to mobility in the metropolitan area of ​​Guadalajara is living are explained."

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Marcharán hoy familiares de choferes del transporte público

Proyecto Diez: "12 de marzo de 2014. Familiares de operadores del servicio de transporte público de la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara (ZMG) se manifestarán hoy a las 12 del día. Partirán de los templos de San Francisco y Aranzazú con rumbo al Congreso de Jalisco. Quieren dejar en claro que los choferes no son los culpables del mal servicio de transporte que se ofrece."

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Guadalajara - mass protest for better public transportation

Ten Project: "March 10, 2014 -. authorities Students and the University of Guadalajara have called the March of Grief and Indignation to demand a better transportation system that has claimed 14 lives this year.

On Friday Maria Fernanda Vazquez, a senior semester UdeG, died in an accident caused by a city bus. Another 19 were injured. This, after the public transport unit from running over people in an official stop."

Monday, March 10, 2014

Students in Mexico demand decent #publictransit

Metrobus Toluca YA: "En Guadalajara el rector de la máxima casa de estudios del Estado se une a la voz y exigencia de los universitarios por un mejor transporte público."

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Mexico City - fight against fare hike continues

Informational Brigade in Metro Chabacano.: "The outrage continues. Tú Mandas  held informational meetings at different stations and users continue to demonstrate their anger and their desire to participate. At Chabacano Yesterday, hundreds of users gathered in the Assembly Initiative Fact Tú Mandas to express its anger at a government pretending to consult the public, but in fact betrays."

Say No to Fare Increase. Government must respect the will of the people.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Córdoba: represión a protesta contra nuevo aumento del boleto

ANRed: "Nuevamente la policía de la provincia de Cordoba reprimió a manifestantes que marchaban en repudio a un nuevo intento de aumento del boleto de transporte a 5,30 pesos y por la no imputación a los militantes detenidos durante la represión de la semana pasada en la localidad de Malvinas Argentinas. Fue cuando se desconcentraban frente a la Casa Radical. Hasta el momento están confirmados dos detenidos, de los cuáles se desconoce a qué dependencias fueron trasladados, y varios herisos con balas de goma / AMPLIAREMOS - Informe y audio: Radio Voces 87.7 / Imágenes: Mucho Palo Noticias."

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Little hope that 'El Chapo' capture will disrupt drug supply flooding the US

CSMonitor.com: "The capture in Mexico of Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman, a reputed drug kingpin, won't stanch the huge flow of illegal drugs into the US, analysts say. Chicago, a distribution hub for the Sinaloa cartel, is likely to remain so, they add."
Regardless of what you think about drugs and who benefits, one thing is certain. If  there is no demand for a product there will be no supply.

The same is true for oil. You can try to stop the supply, or you can stop the demand. Which do you think will work? The #posmesalto movement is one way to reduce demand for oil. It could lead to a movement for free public transport, such as in Brazil.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Grenadiers destroy turnstiles and blame protesters #PosMeSalto

Radio New Republic: "The police destroyed turnstiles and blamed the activists who reject the increase to metro ticket implemented since 13 December."

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Mexico City - police use falseflag vandalism and provocateurs to discredit #posmesalto

SDP News: "The convenors to release the turnstiles at the various stations of Line 2 of the Mexico City Metro system to reject the rate increase of 3-5 pesos they renounced the violent incidents that occurred tonight inside the Hidalgo subway .

In an interview with SDPnoticias, Galván Ferrer, leader of the group you Mandas , opposition to the rate increase, explained that the assaults occurred when elements of subway security attempted to stop a sex offender who assaulted a user."

Friday, January 24, 2014

Rompiendo el mito de los puentes peatonales

© La Jornada de Michoacán
VeoVerde: "En el poco tiempo que llevo haciendo activismo pro movilidad, el tema de los puentes peatonales es uno que me saca de mis casillas. Tenemos tan metida la cultura cochecentrista que es muy difícil que entendamos que los puentes no nos hacen ningún bien, sino todo lo contrario. Ahora explico por qué."

Read more here: http://www.veoverde.com/2014/01/rompiendo-el-mito-de-los-puentes-peatonales/

#PosMeSalto still going strong in Mexico City, line 2 turnstiles opened on Friday

Photo: Darkroom
unotv.com : "As a method of rejection up to the rate and the lack of visible results in facilities and service Metro Public Transport System, the movement # PosMeSalto announced the release of the tourniquet 24 stations of Line 2 Friday January 24 .

They also called for the completion of a public consultation on 4, 5, 6 and 7 February in the 36 busiest stations of the metro network."

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Mexico City's #PosMeSalto Movement Protests Rising Transit Costs

upsidedownworld.org: "To understand how a 50 cent fare is considered one of the most expensive in the world, you have to take into account Mexico City's minimum wage which has stagnated around 64 pesos, just shy of five dollars for a day’s work. Therefore, a basic daily commute can account for a minimum of one sixth of one's daily salary and sometimes up to one half if the commuter has to pay extra for  buses or minivans to travel from their house or job to the subway stop. "

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

In Mexico, #posmesalto aganist #publictransit fare hikes continues and grows.

Realizan primer #PosMeSalto del año - Grupo Milenio: "The organization better known Metro Popular social networks like # PosMeSalto returned to the activities with the opening of turnstiles in at least seven stations. Reported by them as a "massive torniquetazo", members of the movement allowed free entry into stations University, Cuatro Caminos, El Rosario, Taxquena e Indios Verdes, from 7 in the morning. The organizational meeting of the movement said they plan to release the turnstiles again 6 to 8 pm at various stations, since this time there is a greater number of users."

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Mexico City "someone" hires vandals to turn people against fare protest

Organizers call for peaceful protest.
La Jornada: Tuesday released Metro turnstiles: "Daniela # TúMandas Garduño, Rafael Romero, # PosMeSalto reported that for this first action there is a record of 23 brigades and more are being incorporated into the next hours to reinforce acts of peaceful civil resistance against the rise in the rate , implemented since 13 December."

Beware of undercover police provocateurs.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Manifestantes permiten entrada gratuita al Metro por alza en tarifa. #posmesalto

La Jornada: "México, DF. Opositores al aumento de la tarifa del Metro liberaron torniquetes este martes en la estación del Metro San Lázaro, y anunciaron que también lo harían en Taxqueña, Observatorio y Autobuses del Norte.

Los manifestantes emplazan al jefe de Gobierno, Miguel Ángel Mancera, para que “a más tardar el día 13 dé marcha atrás al aumento de la tarifa”, mismo que impugnarán en el Tribunal de lo Contencioso Administrativo."

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