Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Little hope that 'El Chapo' capture will disrupt drug supply flooding the US

CSMonitor.com: "The capture in Mexico of Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman, a reputed drug kingpin, won't stanch the huge flow of illegal drugs into the US, analysts say. Chicago, a distribution hub for the Sinaloa cartel, is likely to remain so, they add."
Regardless of what you think about drugs and who benefits, one thing is certain. If  there is no demand for a product there will be no supply.

The same is true for oil. You can try to stop the supply, or you can stop the demand. Which do you think will work? The #posmesalto movement is one way to reduce demand for oil. It could lead to a movement for free public transport, such as in Brazil.

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