Monday, November 24, 2014

How privatization destroyed Argentina commuter rail

CityMetric: "But this arrangement met its end in the early nineties under the leadership of free market president Carlos Menem, who decided it was time for the railroad to be run by the invisible hand of the free market: this, in practice, meant not being run at all. After he pulled the plug on the country’s public ownership of the trains, all but a few long distance passenger lines ended completely. Commuter trains in Buenos Aires continued to run – cutting them would have had political consequences – but the mind numbingly complex public/private management system left little incentive for train companies to update their equipment. The consequences of this were slow to make themselves known, but would ultimately be devastating."

Friday, November 14, 2014

Paint on the street does not protect bicyclists

Unachicaenbicicleta: "El día comenzó con una triste noticia para la Ciudad de México, el primer usuario del sistema ecobici murió atropellado por un transportista. Historias así realmente me acongojan.
A veces siento que los automovilistas, choferes de transporte público y motociclistas piensan que los ciclistas tenemos 7 vidas, como dicen que tienen los gatos. Lamento informarles que no, sólo tenemos una, igual de frágil que la suya; una vida que cuando rodamos exponemos de sobremanera por su impericia y prepotencia, y también por nuestra imprudencia."

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Chile unveils plans to invest $4.2 bn in public transportation projects

Fox News Latino: "Chilean President Michelle Bachelet on Wednesday announced plans to invest $4.2 billion in 14 projects to upgrade public transportation, including the construction of a new Santiago Metro line and the expansion of two other lines."